«الأشغال» توقع عقود توريد أجهزة ومعدات لمختبرات الطرق بالمركز الحكومي
كشفت مصادر مطلعة في وزارة الأشغال العامة عن توقيع المركز الحكومي للفحوصات وضبط الجودة والأبحاث عقود توريد وتركيب وتشغيل وتدريب الكوادر الوطنية على أجهزة ومعدات لمختبرات الطرق بقطاع المركز الحكومي لتعزيز المختبرات ودعمها للقيام بفحوصات التربية واختبارات تقييم الرصف للطبقات الإسفلتية والترابية كافة.
وأوضحت المصادر أن هذه العقود تدعم مختبرات الطرق وتقييم الرصف بأجهزة ومعدات تواكب أحدث ما تم التوصل إليه من تقنيات لتوثيق جودة الأعمال المنفذه لإنشاء وصيانة الطرق في الكويت.
وفي موازاة ذلك، أشارت المصادر إلى أن قطاع المركز الحكومي بصدد طرح مناقصة في الجهاز المركزي للمناقصات العامة لتوريد وتركيب وتشغيل وتدريب الكوادر الوطنية على أجهزة ومعدات متطورة لمختبرات الطرق والإنشاءات في المركز الحكومي للفحوصات وضبط الجودة والأبحاث، الأمر الذي من شأنه أن يسهم في دعم المركز للقيام بفحوصات واختبارات توثيق الجودة للعقود المستقبلية.
I genuinely relished what you’ve produced here. The outline is elegant, your written content trendy, yet you appear to have obtained some anxiety regarding what you wish to deliver thereafter. Assuredly, I will return more frequently, akin to I have almost constantly, provided you maintain this incline.
I sincerely appreciated the effort you’ve invested here. The sketch is tasteful, your authored material chic, however, you seem to have developed some uneasiness about what you aim to offer henceforth. Certainly, I shall revisit more regularly, just as I have been doing nearly all the time, should you uphold this climb.
I genuinely savored the work you’ve put forth here. The outline is refined, your authored material trendy, however, you seem to have obtained some trepidation about what you wish to deliver next. Assuredly, I will revisit more regularly, akin to I have nearly all the time, provided you maintain this upswing.
I truly admired the work you’ve put in here. The design is refined, your authored material stylish, however, you seem to have acquired some trepidation about what you intend to present next. Undoubtedly, I’ll revisit more regularly, similar to I have nearly all the time, in the event you sustain this rise.
I truly savored what you’ve accomplished here. The sketch is elegant, your authored material trendy, however, you seem to have developed some trepidation about what you aim to offer next. Certainly, I shall revisit more regularly, just as I have been doing nearly all the time, in case you uphold this ascension.
I truly admired the work you’ve put in here. The design is refined, your authored material stylish, however, you seem to have acquired some trepidation about what you intend to present next. Undoubtedly, I’ll revisit more regularly, similar to I have nearly all the time, in the event you sustain this rise.
I genuinely appreciated what you’ve achieved here. The outline is tasteful, your written content fashionable, yet you appear to have acquired some uneasiness regarding what you wish to present forthwith. Undoubtedly, I’ll return more frequently, similar to I have almost constantly, should you sustain this upswing.