رئيس مجلس الإدارة

يوسف سلطان الماجد

المدير التنفيذي

سلطان يوسف الماجد

رقم الترخيص/ 156-2017

البحرينية سلوى ناصر تحرز فضية سباق 400 متر للسيدات في أولمبياد باريس

أحرزت البحرينية سلوى عيد ناصر الميدالية الفضية في سباق 400 متر عدوا للسيدات لتهدي بلادها الميدالية الثانية في أولمبياد باريس 2024 اليوم الجمعة.وحصدت العداءة البحرينية وينفريد يافي الميدالية الذهبية في سباق 3000 متر موانع سيدات يوم الثلاثاء الماضي.وتوجت ماريلييدي باولينو من جمهورية الدومينيكان بالميدالية الذهبية، متفوقة على سلوى عيد ناصر بينما حصدت البولندية ناتاليا كاتشماريك الميدالية البرونزية.

6 thoughts on “البحرينية سلوى ناصر تحرز فضية سباق 400 متر للسيدات في أولمبياد باريس

  1. The degree to which I admire your work is as substantial as your own enthusiasm. Your visual presentation is refined, and the material you’ve written is stylish. However, you seem apprehensive about potentially delivering something that may be viewed as questionable. I’m confident you’ll be able to address this issue promptly.

  2. I share your level of enthusiasm for the work you’ve produced. The sketch you’ve displayed is refined, and the material you’ve authored is impressive. Nevertheless, you seem anxious about the prospect of heading in a direction that could cause unease. I agree that you’ll be able to address this concern in a timely manner.

  3. My fascination with your creations is on par with your own. The sketch you’ve presented is tasteful, and the content you’ve authored is of a high caliber. Nevertheless, you seem uneasy about the prospect of embarking on something that could be perceived as dubious. I believe you’ll be able to resolve this concern in a timely manner.

  4. I was just as enthralled by your work as you were. Your sketch is elegant, and your written content is sophisticated. However, you seem concerned about potentially delivering something questionable soon. I’m confident you’ll resolve this issue quickly and return to your usual high standards.

  5. I was just as enthralled by your work as you were. The visual display is refined, and the written content is of a high caliber. However, you seem anxious about the possibility of delivering something that could be perceived as questionable. I believe you’ll be able to rectify this situation in a timely manner.

  6. I was just as fascinated by your creations as you were. The sketch you’ve presented is elegant, and the material you’ve written is sophisticated. Yet, you seem concerned about the prospect of embarking on something that could be perceived as dubious. I’m confident you’ll be able to resolve this issue quickly.

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